GoLivMo (also affectionately known by our fans as LivMo) is a global experience marketplace focused on new, unique and extraordinary experiences. Our platform aggregates and promotes unique and extraordinary experiences. We aim to connect billions of global users who are looking for things to do, with brands, individuals and communities who are creating experiences every day, week or month. LivMo is an avenue that brings the world together and let them engage meaningfully.
GoLivMo is a play on our mission; to empower users to Go Live More.
We aim to bring together communities, empower hosts, inspire branded experiences to once-in-a-lifetime connections with sought after global experiences, that benefit worthy causes around the world. Users enjoy amazing curated experiences that enable them to do something incredible every day. We connect users with premium and authentic opportunities that go beyond ordinary.
Our core mission is to bring the world together. To close the distance between brands, communities and consumers.