[COMING Q4 2019]

An e-Wallet allows LivMo Members to checkout/pay from their Wallet, using funds that they have already deposit in their account.

Wallet is an online prepaid account where one can stock money, to be used when required.

There is no chance of a decline of payment since wallet is a prepaid account. As it is a pre-loaded facility, customers can buy a range of products without having to enter their debit/credit card details for every online transaction. In this plugin, customer/user can use Wallet Cash during the checkout and amount will be deducted from their Wallet Cash. They can easily add credit to their wallet system.

The customer can easily add credit to their wallet system - The process of adding credit to their wallet system is super easy for the customers of an online store. They simply need to enter the amount that they want to credit to their wallet system and checkout via available payment methods.

Refund Requests - If you enable refunds, user will be able to send refund request and the admin can either refund or reject a request.

Mail notification for wallet transactions - A buyer will be notified via mail of all the wallet transactions.

Wallet Gift / Transfer - A user can transfer his wallet amount to another registered user.