Suggestions and Feature Requests for LivMo

Have an idea, or a cool new feature you want to see on GoLivMo? This guide is here to help you understand how we keep track of feature requests as well as how to submit new ones.

Click here, if you bypass instructions and to jump right into it.

How We Decide On New Features

We want GoLivMo to be awesome. Sometimes this means not working on one thing so we can work on something else that's more important. Deciding what's important isn't easy. Here's how we do it:

  • Review the ideas submitted to our feature request board. This allows us to identify common themes and areas that need improvement.
  • Let our community vote and prioritize what is important. This allows a greater level of collaboration with our community.
  • Members of the various teams within LivMo meet regularly to discuss the overall direction of LivMo and what features will help move us in the right direction.

We want to be careful to add the right features to LivMo so that it remains a product that you love. 

Submitting A New Feature Idea

Right now, GoLivMo’s Development team is focused on working on large-scale priorities for the platform. These big changes take a lot of time to put together. That means that for right now, our short-term roadmap is oriented towards taking the steps we need to take to be in a good place to push those changes.

That said, if you have a feature you would love to see in LivMo, we’d be happy to hear it! Our community gets to vote on them and any features past 50 votes, gets reviewed by our active LivMo team. This puts power in the hands of our community to help shape LivMo together.

All other products

We are working to bring the same process to suggest ideas, product improvements, and feature requests to all of our products. Until this option is implemented, please continue to suggest your ideas in our online community.