In your booking details page, there is a Cancel Booking button that you can hit to initiate your cancellation process. The cancellation policy is stated clearly in each experience listing. If your experience is a refundable experience, you can follow the steps below.

To begin the cancellation / refund process (if applicable).

  1. Sign in to your profile on
  2. Click on booking history.
  3. Select the Experience you would like to cancel and hit the Cancel button.
  4. Enter in the reason for cancellation and hit next.
  5. Choose mode of refund. Would you prefer funds to be transferred via PayPal, Stripe or Bank Account? 
  6. Upon successful cancellation, an email will be sent to you and funds refunded within 4 working days. 

(Note: If your experience cannot be cancelled, the system will not present to you the abovementioned cancellation button).